
Conference Leader

Merijn Knibbe works at Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein, part of Wageningen University and Research and previously worked at the Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek and the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. He is author of “Agriculture in the Netherlands, 1951-1950. Production and institutional change“: “Lokkich Fryslan. Landpacht, arbeidsloon en landbouwproductiviteitproductiviteit in het Friese kleigebied, 1505-1830 (Historia Agriculturae no. 38)” (“Lucky Friesland: landrents, wages and agricultural productivity in the Frisian clay soil area, 1505-1830”) and “De hoofdelijke beschikbaarheid van en de levensstandaard in Nederland, 1807-1913” (The per capita availability of food and the standard of living in the Netherlands,1807-1913). He is a regular contributor to the Real World Economics Blog.

Dirk Bezemer works at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and has workd at Imperial College in London. and is specialized in development economics, real-financial sector interactions and in agricultural economics. He published among other publications “Post-Socialist Financial Fragility: the Case of Albania”. Cambridge Journal of Economics 25(1), 2001, 1-23; “No One Saw This Coming”: Understanding Financial Crisis Through Accounting Models”, 2009; and “Stock Flow Consistent Models: Flow of Fund Modeling Plus?” In: Winkler ed. (edf.) Advances in Flow of Fund Modeling. Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming

Conference Organization Committee

The WEA conferences are organized by the Conference Organization Committee (COC) which includes Ilker Aslan, Alan Freeman and Grazia Ietto-Gillies (Chair).

If you want to organize a conference or suggest themes and possible leaders please contact Grazia (; website: